Electric bikes are a great choice when commuting, entertaining, or exercising on the road. Not only can you get to your destination faster, but you can go further than on a regular bike – all while reducing your environmental impact.

There is no doubt that there are many benefits to riding an e-bike. However, to ride safely, please following tips:

Know Where You Can Ride Your E-bike

Check with your local bike shop to find out how e-bikes are regulated in your area and find out if you are considered a cyclist or a motor vehicle. Electric bicycles and their laws may vary from country to country. In most areas, cyclists should stop at traffic lights and stop spots and yield to the flow of traffic, just as drivers do. Before getting on your e-bike, make sure you are comfortable operating it by practicing slowing down, stopping, getting on and off, and handling your e-bike.

Respect other Drivers

Electric bikes can go faster than regular bikes, but when riding around cars, other bikes and pedestrians, please be polite and control your speed and always obey the posted speed limit. When passing other cyclists and pedestrians on the road, use a bell and a friendly voice to let them know you are passing. As a faster-moving vehicle, if you choose to ride an e-bike on greenways and other multi-use paths, please respect all other users, be polite to other cyclists and slow down when riding near them Will respect their space and yours. The road can help you become a better rider.

Dress in Bright Colors

Making yourself visible on the road is an excellent way to keep yourself safe while riding an e-bike.

Whether you ride an e-bike or a regular bike, it's always a good idea to take extra precautions on the road. Wearing brightly colored or reflective clothing will help you stand out and be spotted by vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Also, make sure your e-bike has front and rear lights or reflectors to help others see you in low light. In addition to accessories, it is also important to be vigilant when riding on the road. Use gestures to communicate your intentions to surrounding traffic. Keep in mind that the rider may not want the bike to go any faster.

Use Gestures

Like drivers, cyclists must use signals to indicate which way they are turning or which lane they are entering. When riding an e-bike on the road, you must use gestures to notify other motorists and cyclists. Before hitting the road, there are three basic gestures you should master if you haven't used bicycle gestures before.

Gestures are crucial as they help prevent collisions in bicycles and cars. Gestures tell the vehicle where you are going and how to avoid you. Here are three gestures you Should be Aware of:

Left Turn: Indicate your intention to turn left by extending your left arm fully out to the side. Straighten your hands, palms facing forward. You should complete this signal before starting or completing a lane change or turn.

Right Turn: On your e-bike, you have two options for indicating a right turn. Option one is to extend your right arm out to the side as if you were looking at the left turn signal. Option two is to bend the left arm at a 90-degree angle with the hand and palm facing forward. Signal a right turn before changing lanes or turning.

Stop: The stop signal is one of the most commonly used gestures. This signal is important to show cars or cyclists behind you that you are about to stop before they collide with you. The left hand is at a 90-degree angle with the arm facing down and the palm facing back, indicating that you want to stop.

Follow Traffic

When you are on the road, ride your e-bike in the same direction as the traffic. In almost all cases, cyclists are subject to the same regulations as cars on the road. This includes riding on the right side of the road, signaling turns and yielding to people crossing the road.

Riding with the flow of traffic allows other drivers to see you and allows you to obey traffic laws. Ride where other motorists and cyclists expect you to go, and you'll stay safe on the road.